Nurturing Minds and Shaping Futures Along with Facing Challenges in Pakistani Education

Education is the cornerstone of societal progress, shaping the minds of the future. However, as we delve deeper into the complexities of Pakistan's education system, we discover a landscape riddled with both obstacles and potential. In a recent podcast on the Eon Podcast YouTube channel, educator Zeeshan Javed shed light on the issues plaguing Pakistani education. This post will completely investigate these problems, keeping the economical, psychological, and environmental challenges in mind, from the impact of parenting to the incorporation of Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP).

Understanding Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)

Zeeshan Javed, an experienced educator, discussed the role of Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) in reshaping mindsets and behaviors. NLP is a powerful tool that links our actions, beliefs, and language. It operates on the premise that one must first alter one's language to change one's belief system, as words shape our beliefs. The words we speak are absorbed by our subconscious mind and treated as affirmations. To deliberately develop our subconscious, we must choose our words carefully.

The importance of NLP parallels natural laws such as the Law of Attraction and Gravitation. The Law of Attraction posits that we attract what we are, not merely what we desire. It emphasizes the significance of our frequencies and vibes in attracting positive or negative situations into our lives. Negative thinking begets negative outcomes, while positive thoughts attract positivity. This principle aligns with the teachings of many philosophers, including Plato, who once said, "Like will like."

Moreover, the Law of Attraction underscores the importance of intention. Intention plays a pivotal role in both the Law of Attraction and NLP. NLP offers an expedited means of healing through various psychological exercises avoiding medication. It emphasizes that negative individuals repel positive energy, highlighting the necessity for internal transformation to attract positivity. Simply, you can say what goes around, comes around. In the end, the love you give will be equal to the love you receive; the same is true for negativity and hatred. You will draw a negative aura if you constantly think negatively. If you backbite someone or speak critically about them, negative will come to you at any cost. This is why backbiting is forbidden in Islam. Meditation teaches us that whatever we say or think will come back to us.

The Formative Years: Ages 0 to 9

The discussion in the podcast accentuates the significance of the formative years in a child's life, spanning from birth to around the age of children who absorb information like sponges through theta waves, which feed their subconscious during this time. This is a highly crucial age in a child's life. This will shape their personality, beliefs, ideas, and mindsets. Their experiences during this period can make or break their soul and justify their actions and perceptions.

At this age, babies solely need their parents and never want to be separated from them. During these formative years, parents hold enormous power, influencing their children's subconscious brains. Every action, word, and environment parents provide leaves a profound mark. Aristotle's assertion that "The soul is a blank slate upon which experience writes" underscores this idea. Children, in their formative years, internalize everything they witness.

Once your subconscious is built, your entire life is based upon it. Our subconscious also highly influences our relationship development and growth. Your actions, words, and the environment you or your kids are living in will highly influence their subconscious. Whatever your actions are, your child from 0 to 9 years is making notes of them in his mind. For example, if you bash a little kid, he will stop loving himself, and if you are giving a hostile environment to your kid, he will blame himself. If you say a bad word or use foul language with or in front of your kids, they will assume this is normal behavior. And eventually, they will apply the same rude behavior in their lives.

The Impact of Parenting on Children

Parents play a pivotal role in nurturing their children's growth during these critical years. Their actions serve as the most potent teachers. For instance, if a parent criticizes a child constantly or shifts blame onto them, they may cease to trust their parents and adopt similar attitudes toward others. Actions, indeed, speak louder than words. Your kids are the epitome of your beliefs, desires, and character.

If a child witnesses dishonesty in the home, they may internalize this behavior, learning to deceive and lie themselves. Thus, parents must recognize the profound impact of their actions on their children. As Dr. Bruce Perry emphasizes, approximately 95% of our lives are governed by subconscious minds rather than conscious thoughts.

In Islamic teachings, Almighty Allah emphasizes keeping children close to their parents' hearts until the age of 7. During this time, it is essential not to impose strict discipline or rules but to shower children with love and fulfill their commands. Never ever compare your one child with another, even in a good way; you need to keep a good balance between them all. The comparison between siblings invites the unnoticeable rivalry in their hearts that grows stronger with time. These early years shape a child's perspective on life, and undue fear, blame, or discipline can have lasting consequences. In these years, behave as if your kid is your lord, and your parents are under their rule.

Parental Influence on Career Choices

Parents in Pakistan, like in many other countries, frequently exercise significant influence over their children's career choices. They may place financial security ahead of their child's pleasure and passion. This technique can lead to a misalignment between a child's goals and their chosen field. Parents may guide their children toward jobs that promise financial success rather than allowing them to pursue their inclinations.

This phenomenon, deeply embedded in the subconscious, has profound implications for a child's future. If a child feels compelled to follow a path dictated by their parents, they may experience inner conflict and dissatisfaction, leading to stress and anxiety. This misalignment of internal desire and external pressure can stifle personal growth and well-being.

Furthermore, parents may perpetuate these subconscious tendencies by selecting the fates of their children depending on gender or familial traditions. These decisions can limit a child's potential and prevent them from following their own unique route in life.

Another irony of this culture is the next-in-line system. Or what we can say is that parents often treat their kids as their career successors. For example, if the family tradition is to be the lawyer, as everyone is, the child is destined to be the lawyer. Or, if the parents are doctors, the kids must be the doctors whether they want it or not.

The Role of Early Education in Pakistan

Early education in Pakistan forms the foundation of a child's academic journey. However, this crucial period is fraught with challenges. Many children begin formal schooling at an age when they require ample sleep and unstructured playtime. Unfortunately, they are thrust into an educational system prioritizing rote learning over exploration and creativity, exacerbating the misalignment between developmental needs and educational practices.

When comparing Pakistan's approach to Finland's education system, this contrast becomes clear. Formal instruction in Finnish schools is delayed until the age of eight, allowing children to engage in unstructured play and cultivating a real love of learning. In Pakistan, on the other hand, young minds are frequently led into a rigorous and robotic educational atmosphere, suffocating their intrinsic curiosity and originality.

Why there is an invisible distance between you and your children?

Do you ever wonder why your kid does not like spending time with you? Do they prefer their friends over you? Do they seem quiet when you are around and cheerful when they are with other people? Do you feel an undeniable distance between you and your children? Then there might be some reasons behind it:
  • If you complain constantly about everything in your life, such as your issues with your husband or wife, your financial struggles, and your problems, there will come a time when the kid stops believing you.
  • If you blame them for your problems, which sometimes frustrated mothers do because they need ventilation for their emotions, your kids will stop sitting around you.
  • Your children will start to battle themselves for every adversity or calamity upon you. This will shatter the personality of your child completely. He or she can never make any right decision or be fearful of every common thing.
  • If you promise something to your kids and do not fulfill it for any reason, they will stop trusting you and will learn the same attitude toward others.
  • Your kid will stop growing if you put him under undue fear. If you discipline your kid at the wrong time, if you lie to him, if you and your spouse fight a lot, then your kid will lose his essence, skills, abilities, and confidence. Parents often up-bring their kids in a way they do not want to be brought up. Let them wear what they want and learn from their own experiences. This will boost their confidence and shape their personality. Let them play in the dirt and be muddy for a while.

Islam and Challenges in Pakistani Society

The podcast emphasizes the importance of Pakistani society's lack of broad Islamic understanding. While Islam provides a full way of life that includes ethics, morals, and spirituality, many people in Pakistan focus primarily on rituals like as daily prayers (Namaz), fasting (Roza), pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj), and charity (Zakat).

This narrow focus neglects the profound teachings of Islam, which emphasize balance, ethics, and compassion. Instead, societal pressures have led many Pakistanis to adopt Western standards of success, equating it primarily with financial prosperity. This materialistic approach has shifted the focus away from core values, such as compassion, empathy, and service to humanity, which are integral to Islamic teachings.

Financial Independence and Skill Development

The podcast emphasizes the importance of Pakistani society's lack of broad Islamic understanding. While Islam provides a full way of life that includes ethics, morals, and spirituality, many people in Pakistan focus primarily on rituals like as daily prayers (Namaz), fasting (Roza), pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj), and charity (Zakat).

Encouraging young individuals to gain an understanding of halal (permissible) and haram (forbidden) earnings, manage their finances, and begin earning from a young age can empower them to navigate life's challenges effectively. Nurturing valuable skills and instilling a sense of responsibility in young individuals is essential for their personal and societal growth.

Challenges within the Pakistani Education System

The Pakistani education system is dealing with a slew of issues that have far-reaching consequences. One of the main concerns is treating kids as clients rather than individuals with distinct needs and goals. This dynamic promotes an excessive respect for authoritative leaders, frequently suffocating students' ability to express dissent or question established standards.

Moreover, the education system appears to be inadvertently cultivating a generation of corporate servitude. It prioritizes rote memorization and adherence to established norms over critical thinking and ethical development. The absence of life skills education and emotional intelligence training leaves young individuals ill-prepared to face the complexities of the real world.

The Importance of Ethical Education

Education is about more than just learning; it is also about imparting ethical ideals. In Pakistan, where religion and morals are inextricably linked, schools must prioritize ethical instruction. Honesty, compassion, justice, and humility are among the virtues promoted by Islamic beliefs. These principles should be incorporated into the curriculum, guiding pupils to become well-informed and ethically upright citizens.

Parental Influence on Ethical Development

Parents have an important role in instilling ethical principles in their children. However, as Zeeshan Javed pointed out, parental tension, anger, and pressure can unintentionally harm children, resulting in emotional and psychological problems. Parents must model ethical behavior and nurture moral growth in their children.

Impact of this poor education system on the kids:

This system has had a bad influence on everyone on the radar, for example:

1. Students are treated as clients:

Students are regarded more like customers or clients than learners in some educational institutions, notably private schools. This means that the emphasis may change from providing a high-quality education to meeting the needs and expectations of students and parents. In such a situation, educational institutions may prioritize revenues and gratifying the demands of students and parents over providing a comprehensive and rigorous education.

2. Undue respect of authority:

This heading implies a problem with excessive regard for authority figures in the educational system. When authority individuals, such as teachers or school administrators, are admired, it can lead to a lack of critical thinking and an unwillingness to question or oppose authority, even when it is required. This can hinder the development of independent thinking and problem-solving skills among students.

3. Can never say no to bad things, destructive behaviors, etc.:

This issue implies that there might be a problem with confronting or addressing negative behaviors and issues within the educational environment. It could suggest a reluctance to acknowledge and deal with problems, whether they are related to student misconduct, academic deficiencies, or other issues. This lack of accountability can hinder the improvement of the educational system.

4. Preparing the incorporate slaves:

This part expresses concern that the education system is shaping students into obedient and compliant workers rather than nurturing their individuality, creativity, and critical thinking abilities. The phrase "incorporate slaves" implies a fear that the system values conformity and obedience over personal progress and empowerment.

5. No sense of responding to unwanted issues:

When it comes to dealing with problems or obstacles, this issue shows a lack of reactivity within the educational system. Issues or complaints may not be effectively acknowledged or addressed, leaving kids, parents, and instructors frustrated and unheard.

6. No respect for the teacher:

This issue points to a breakdown in the traditional respect and authority associated with teachers. It suggests that parents and students might not hold teachers in high regard or show the level of respect that was once common. This can harm the teacher-student relationship and, in turn, affect the learning environment.

7. No sense of halal and haram:

This expression refers to the ideas of "halal" and "haram" in Islamic ethics. "Halal" refers to what is allowed or legal, whereas "haram" refers to what is prohibited or illegal. Within the educational system, there may be a lack of emphasis on ethical and moral instruction, particularly with reference to Islamic beliefs.

8. Might is right:

This phrase reflects a problematic attitude where power or authority is perceived as being justified solely because it exists. It implies that those in positions of power can assert their dominance without regard for ethical or moral principles. This mindset can harm fairness, justice, and ethical behavior within the educational system.

9. Education=money, if you do not learn, you won't be rich:

This is one of the most heartbreaking truths, demonstrating the widespread notion that education is solely a path to financial success. It argues that an excessive emphasis on monetary rewards linked with education may overshadow the inherent value of learning and human growth.

10. No human values taught:

This issue indicates that there may be a deficiency in teaching essential human values within the educational system. Human values encompass compassion, empathy, honesty, and integrity. A lack of emphasis on these values can hinder the holistic development of students.

11. Competition of low and high standards:

This statement implies a potentially dangerous competition between educational institutions with lower intellectual and ethical standards and those with better standards. Such competition can result in a race to the bottom, with institutions sacrificing quality and ethical ideals in order to recruit students. Individuals from less affluent origins are frequently harshly assessed and stigmatized as "cheap," "low class," or "losers," posing impediments to their educational progress.

Educational Reforms for Ethical Education

Reforms are necessary to address the ethical challenges in Pakistan's education system. This includes revising the curriculum to include a dedicated ethics and morality course that aligns with Islamic principles while promoting critical thinking and ethical decision-making. Teachers should receive training on effectively teaching ethics and imparting moral values.

Furthermore, schools can foster an ethical culture by recognizing and rewarding students who exhibit ethical behavior. Initiatives that promote community service, honesty, and empathy are examples of this.

Embracing Diversity

Pakistan is a diverse nation comprising various ethnic, linguistic, and cultural groups. Embracing this diversity in education is vital for fostering tolerance and unity. Schools should celebrate cultural diversity through events, festivals, and inclusive curricula that reflect the richness of Pakistan's heritage.

Empowering Teachers

Teachers are change agents in education. Empowering teachers with greater pay, professional development opportunities, and recognition can dramatically improve educational quality. Teachers who feel respected and properly taught can inspire pupils to thrive intellectually and morally.

The Role of Technology

In today's digital age, technology can be a powerful tool for education and character development. Online platforms and educational apps can provide access to a wide range of resources for students to learn about ethics, morality, and the values upheld by society.

The Global Perspectivel

It is critical to recognize that the difficulties confronting Pakistan's education system are not unique to the country. Education systems around the world are wrestling with questions of relevance, ethics, and preparing pupils for the challenges of modern life. Pakistan can develop and adopt tactics that are tailored to its own circumstances by researching global best practices and learning from successful educational models.

Incorporating ethical education into the curriculum, embracing diversity, and empowering teachers are steps toward a more robust and morally sound education system. Drawing inspiration from philosophical wisdom, such as Aristotle's virtue ethics and Plato's allegory of the cave, can also guide educational reforms.

Pakistan must not lose sight of its distinct cultural and religious identity while it strives for educational progress. Balancing tradition and progress while fostering ethical principles and critical thinking will pave the way for a more wealthy society and a brighter educational future.

The Role of Teachers

Teachers are the cornerstone of any educational system, and their role cannot be overstated. Educators face numerous challenges in Pakistan, including significant financial pressures, minimal job perks, and meager salaries. This lack of recognition and remuneration diminishes the stature of the teaching profession, discouraging many talented individuals from pursuing careers in education. Sadly, there is no value and respect for a teacher in this era. Despite being society's most prestigious and precious jewels, the teachers could not get a decent proposal to get married.

Furthermore, some of Pakistan's finest institutions undermine Islamic ideals and disrespect prayer times, jeopardizing students' spiritual and ethical development. The lack of standardized facilities, such as playgrounds and libraries, in many schools reduces educational quality even further.

Addressing Challenges Through Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)

A potential solution to the multifaceted challenges within the Pakistani education system is the incorporation of Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP). NLP is a psychological framework that delves deep into the interplay between language, behavior and thought patterns. It enables individuals to understand and reshape their subconscious beliefs and behaviors, ultimately leading to personal growth and transformation.

One of NLP's most important strengths is its ability to divorce emotions from unpleasant memories. Individuals can uncover the main cause of their psychological issues and address them using various NLP techniques and sessions. Surprisingly, NLP does not require medicine for treatment; rather, experts in this discipline lead people through self-healing and personal development.

Furthermore, NLP places significant emphasis on conflict resolution. In the context of NLP, conflict resolution refers to identifying and resolving the emotional or psychological traumas that may have taken root in an individual's mind. These traumas can be from childhood, adulthood, or experiences such as loss, rejection, or failure. By acknowledging and resolving these conflicts, individuals can free themselves from the emotional burdens holding them back.

Notably, some schools in Pakistan have already begun to incorporate NLP into their curriculum. Unlike traditional treatment, NLP provides a dependable and practical method for disentangling traumas from the soul. Its practicality and efficiency make it a promising tool for addressing the emotional and psychological challenges students and educators face.

Overcoming Decision-Making Challenges

A pervasive issue highlighted in the podcast is the challenge of decision-making among young individuals in Pakistan. Parental influence often limits the choices available to children from an early age, instilling in them a fear of making decisions and embracing change. This fear can paralyze individuals, making identifying, addressing, or rectifying issues difficult.

Furthermore, young people are prone to FOMO (fear of missing out). Because of their dread, as well as a lack of emotional expression and comprehension, they are subject to a variety of psychological issues.

Positive Steps Towards Personal Growth

In conclusion, addressing the Pakistani education system's multifaceted challenges requires a holistic approach. Parents, teachers, and policymakers must collaborate to create a nurturing and conducive educational environment. Encouraging financial independence, skill development, and ethical values in young individuals is paramount for their personal and societal growth.

Incorporating NLP into education has the ability to empower students to heal psychological traumas and create the resilience required to thrive in an increasingly complex society. NLP distinguishes itself from traditional treatment by providing a more dependable and successful method of resolving deep-seated issues.

Aristotle's wisdom that "Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all" underscores the importance of a well-rounded approach to education. It is not enough to provide folks with knowledge; we must also develop their emotional intelligence, values, and ethics, enabling them to face life's challenges with wisdom and compassion. Addressing these issues paves the path for a brighter future in which education serves as a light of hope and transformation.

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