Democracy's Rollercoaster: A Musical Journey from 1900 to 2022

A graphic portrayal, painstakingly organized by Our Globe in Data, gives us a sneak peek into just how delicate this whole democracy thing can be when we take a stroll through the globe of democracy. In 2000, around 54% of the worldwide population lived the electoral or liberal democracy dream. However, like a brief summer romance, this figure plummeted to a pathetic 32% by 2019. It is almost as though democracy abandoned us, leaving us with unanswered texts and broken hearts.

Who is to blame for this precipitous drop? India is the home of lively culture, spicy food, and, allegedly, democratic downgrades. After Prime Minister Modi's landslide victory in the 2019 election, Freedom House designated India as a "partially free democracy," while the V-Dem Institute at the University of Gothenburg went even further and declared it an "electoral autocracy." They said there was expanding strain on basic freedoms associations, schools, and writers and an expansion in biased attacks, including the uncommon lynching party. All of this normally brought about a critical disintegration of political freedoms and common freedoms.

Democracy has been humanity's greatest hits album of the last century, giving us chart-toppers like "Freedom" and "Civil Liberties." It allowed us to live in relative freedom and gave us the illusion of power, like choosing your favorite ice cream flavour when you're stuck in a one-flavoured universe. But, pause the music; has the grand expansion of democracy hit a sour note?

Let's hop in the time machine and take a look at the global population's journey through democracy from 1900 to 2022:
  • Democracy was more of a quirky experiment in 1900, entertaining only 3% of the world's population.
  • By 1920, it had amassed a significantly larger fan base, with 19% of the world aboard the democracy train.
  • The mid-twentieth century drew a broader audience, with 35% of the world's population now proudly waving the democracy banner.
  • The year 2000 was the grand finale, with democracy gaining a massive 52% vote.
  • By 2022, democracy appears to be an after-party, with only 29% of the world still grooving up to its rhythms.
Let's not forget to add a pinch of humor and a dash of sarcasm to our political discussions. After all, empowering the next generation to champion democratic values is essential, even if we do it with a cheeky grin and a hearty dose of wit. Democracy may have its ups and downs, but let's ensure it's a rollercoaster ride we all enjoy, complete with laughter and a bit of irreverence.

Chart: Statista

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